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Intro; Preface; Acknowledgments; Contents; Chapter 1: Linking Globally, Acting Locally: Changes and Challenges; 1.1 Universities and Markets; 1.2 Universities and Hierarchies; 1.3 Academic Outreach Strategies and Ever-Shifting Boundaries; 1.4 Internationalization of Universities and Competing Paradigms; References; Chapter 2: Dilemmas of the Research University: A Case of Glonacal U; 2.1 Centralization vs. Decentralization; 2.2 Localization vs. Internationalization; 2.3 Glonacal U: A Case Study; References; Chapter 3: The Bureaucracy of Change: More Bureaucracy or More Change?

3.1 Change: To Centralize or to Decentralize?3.2 Money Matters; 3.3 The Tipping Point; Reference; Chapter 4: "Steering Core": Strategy-Makers amid Competing Agendas; 4.1 Health Sciences; 4.2 Engineering; 4.3 Education; 4.4 Arts and Sciences; 4.5 Outskirts Campus; References; Chapter 5: "Developmental Periphery": Embracing Markets, Defying Hierarchies; 5.1 What About a Stronger Market Orientation?; 5.2 ORUs as Entrepreneurship Seedbeds; 5.3 Networking Centers; 5.4 Teaching Consultancies; 5.5 Freelance Entrepreneurs and Inelastic Institutional Issues; Reference

Chapter 6: "Academic Heartland": Epistemic Constraints, Ontological Forces6.1 Academic Leadership; 6.2 Autonomy; 6.3 Noble Missions; 6.4 Communities and Champions; Chapter 7: Synergies and Struggles: Stimuli, Logistics and Costs; 7.1 Neoliberalism and Glonacalization; 7.2 Strategic Global Linkages; 7.2.1 Global Linkage Motivators; 7.2.2 Global Linkage De-Motivators; 7.2.3 The Emergence of Strategic International Partnerships; 7.3 Costs and Benefits of International Partnerships; 7.3.1 Benefits of International Partnerships; 7.3.2 Costs of International Partnerships

7.3.3 On the Continuum from Costs to Benefits7.4 Centralization vs. Decentralization of International Partnership-Building; 7.4.1 Centralization Forces of Partnership-Building; 7.4.2 Decentralization Forces of Partnership-Building; 7.4.3 On the Continuum from Decentralization to Centralization; 7.5 Summary; References; Chapter 8: Glonacality of Research Universities; 8.1 Centralization as a Corporate Problem in the Research University; 8.2 The Dichotomy Between the Institutional and Human Agencies; 8.2.1 Systemically Induced Devolution of Powers

8.2.2 Structurally Induced Devolution of Powers8.2.3 Characterologically Induced Devolution of Powers; 8.3 Asymmetric Partnerships Rendered Strategic; 8.4 Implications of Unresolved Tensions; 8.5 Concluding Remarks; References; Appendix; Index

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