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Introduction: consumer engineers and the transnational origins of consumer capitalism
The origins of "consumer engineering": interwar consumer capitalism in transatlantic perspective
Section one: transformations in marketing and consumer research
The rise of consumer engineering: american marketing at midcentury (1930s-1960s)
The art of asking why: the "Vienna school" of market research and transfers in consumer psychology
From mass persuasion to engineered consent: the impact of "European" psychology on the cognitive turn in marketing thought
Hidden persuaders? Market researchers as "knowledge entrepreneurs" between business and the social sciences
Section two: designing for sustained demand
"Tastemakers" or "wastemakers"? Commercial design at midcentury (1930-1960)
The designer as marketing expert: European immigrants and the professionalization of industrial and graphic design in the united states
The commercialization of social engineering? Adapting radical design reform to american mass marketing
"Streamlining everything": design, market research, and the postwar "american" world of goods
Section three: transatlantic return voyages
Bridging transatlantic divides: bringing consumer modernity "back" to Europe
Corporate america and the international style: the transnational network of knoll associates between Europe and the united states
The "return" to Europe: emigrés as cultural translators and the transformation of postwar European marketing
Consumer engineering: challenges and legacies.

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