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Part I: Basic concepts
American Psychiatric Association
Characteristics of effective hostage/crisis negotiators
Cross-trained versus cross-qualified
Non-law enforcement negotiators
One on one just isn't right
Stress and the hostage/crisis negotiator
Part II: Dealing with the other victim
Negotiating with normal people
Negotiating with the adolescent hostage taker
Negotiating with the inadequate personality
The antisocial personality disorder (it's all about me!) hostage-taker
Negotiating with the paranoid schizophrenic hostage-taker
The bipolar (I'm focused and flying high!) hostage-taker
The suicidal hostage-holder
Police-assisted suicide
Crisis negotiations in the correctional setting
Negotiating with the extremist
Part III: Crisis resolution indicators
Indicators of subject surrender
Indicators of volatile negotiations
Part IV: Group dynamics
Group think
Creative criteria for constructive deviation from crisis negotiation guidelines
Part V: Hostage issues
Phases of a hostage crisis
The Stockholm syndrome
What do you say to a hostage?

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