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1. Introduction: The Contours of a Field (Cassander L. Smith, Nicholas R. Jones, Miles P. Grier)
Part I. Space and Field
2. Maroons in the Montes: Towards a Political Ecology of Marronage in the Sixteenth ­Century Caribbean (Gabriel de Avilez Rocha)
3. Women/Animals/Slaves: Race and Sexuality in Wycherley's The Country Wife (Derrick Higginbotham)
Part II. Archives and Methods
4. Choreographies of Trans-Atlantic Primitivity: Sub-Saharan Isolation in Black Dance Historiography (Esther J. Terry)
5. Ventriloquizing Blackness: Citing Enslaved Africans in the Caribbean, 1655-1685 by Ashley Williard
6. "Candy No Witch in Her Country": What One Enslaved Woman's Testimony During the Salem Witch Trials Can Tell Us About the Origins of Early American Literature (Cassander L. Smith)
Part III. Period Tensions
7. "Is Black So Base a Hue?": Black Life Matters in Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus (David Sterling Brown)
8. "[L]ooking at me my body across distances": Toni Morrison's A Mercy and Seventeenth-Century European Religious Concepts of Race (Lauren Shook)
9. "Do you love, master?": The Erotics and Politics of Servitude in The Tempest (Rebecca Kumar)
Part IV. Early Modern Black Lives Matter: A Critical Roundtable
10. Necrocapitalism and the Early Modern Iberian Black Diaspora as Academic Field (John Beusterien)
11. Debt Collecting, Disappearance, Necromancy: A Response to John Beusterien (Nicholas R. Jones)
12. Ain't She a Shakespearean: Truth, Giovanni, and Shakespeare (Dennis Austin Britton)
13. The Color of Professionalism: A Response to Dennis Britton (Miles P. Grier).

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