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Title Page
Section I: Elicitation: What it is, How it Works, Why it Works
Introduction: Getting to the Truth Before the Lie
Chapter 1: So Much for Shredders
Chapter 2: Building Rapport: The Foundation of Elicitation
Chapter 3: Natural Human Behavior: Why Elicitation Is So Effective
Section II: Your Elicitation Toolbox
Chapter 4: How to Perform a Basic Elicitation
Chapter 5: The Presumptive Statement
Chapter 6: The Third-Party Perspective
Chapter 7: Bracketing: I've Got Your Number
Chapter 8: Curiosity: The Truth Lure

Chapter 9: Status Manipulation
Chapter 10: Empathetic Statements
Chapter 11: Naïveté
Chapter 12: Some Additional Techniques to Place in Your Elicitation Toolbox
Quotation of Reported Facts
Creating Cognitive Dissonance
Quid Pro Quo
If at First You Don't Succeed, Try, Try a Friend
Being a Skeptic
Mixing Skepticism with a Presumptive Statement and a Dash of Quotation of Reported Facts
Feigned Disbelief
Word Echo
Erroneous Misattribution
Hanging Chad
Test-Drive Your Elicitation Techniques
Chapter 13: The P (Personality) Factor in Effective Elicitation

Section III: Putting Yourself to the Test
Chapter 14: Can You Meet the Counter-Elicitation Challenge?
Chapter 15: Can You Pass the Elicitation Exam?
Chapter 16: Your Truth Detector Elicitation Checklist
Appendix A: MBTI Personality Descriptions
Appendix B: Glossary of Elicitation Tools
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