Linked e-resources


Title Page
Chapter 1: Arrive Prepared
A New and Demanding Era
Roger Krone: Doing Your Homework
How Did Krone Develop All These Perspectives? He Had Help
How Do You Prepare? Go Deep and Broad
Obvious and Not So Obvious-"Must Dos"
Jim Kilts Arrives at Gillette With a Plan
Gary Rodkin: What He Wished He Could Have Known
It Helps to Be Skeptical
Chapter 2: Avoid Half-Truths and Misperceptions
When Good News Is Bad Advice
It Takes Two to Tango: CEO Are Part of the Dance around the Truth

Examples of Damaging Half-Truths and Withheld Information
Know Your Shakespeare, Don't Be Like Lear
How to Move from Partial to Whole Truths
Tolerate Failure, Hear the Full Truth
Chapter 3: Adopt a Constituent Consciousness
Crazy Calendars, Myopia, and Intense Demands
Ways to Address the Constituencies Conundrum
It's All a Matter of Time
Chapter 4: Start Change Management by Changing the Management
The Allure of Changing Slowly-and the Dangers
The Need to Make the Most of Two Very Scarce Resources: Time and Trust

Successfully Transitioning after a Merger or Acquisition: American Airlines
Change Requires Empathy, Clarity, and Courage
Chapter 5: Avoid Becoming Isolated
How Isolation Happens
Creating Your Own Shell
Transitioning to a Good Communications Regime
Connecting with Boards
Reach Out to the Right People
Five Ways to Keep Connected
Chapter 6: Manage the Mentorship Conundrum
A Growing Need in Organizations
Mentorship Roles and Responsibilities
Board Expectations, CEO Resistance
Mentorship Do's and Don'ts
Chapter 7: Use Role Modeling as a Change Tool

An Essential Change Management Asset
Four Ways to Model the Right Message
Modeling the Relationship Between Customers and R&D
The Magnification Principle
Be Careful About the Behavior You Model
Inspiration and Instinct
Chapter 8: Use Psychic Rewards, Not Just Monetary Ones
Solid But Inflexible
Informal and Formal Types
Why CEOs Underutilize This Valuable Tool
But Companies Can't Live by Financial Incentives Alone
Chapter 9: Get on Board with Your Board
Timely Factors
Proactive, Not Reactive
A Reflexive Reluctance
The Reset Opportunity

Choosing Board Challengers
Restructuring Board Interactions
Will Board Members Resist?
Chapter 10: Do Good While Doing Well
Saying One Thing, Doing Another
Navigating the Paradox: 7 Feasible Directions
Educate, Engage, and Question
Creating a Good Impression
Your World is Changing
Going Forward with an Authentic Cause
Chapter 11: Embrace the Value and Reality of Diversity
Beware of Reflexive Actions
Six Proactive Actions
Chapter 12: Know When to Leave
What Boards Talk About When They Talk About CEO
Departure Times and Types

