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Chapter 1: Introduction: Challenges of L2 Oral Communication in EFL Contexts (Alireza Jamshidnejad)
Part 1: Approaches to the Nature of L2 Oral Communication
Chapter 2: L2 Communication as a Social Action: Silence in Oral Communication (Yamin Qian)
Chapter 3: Pragmatic Nature of L2 Communication: Spoken Grammar in Native and EFL Speakers (Yen-Liang Lin)
Chapter 4: An Ecological Perspective on EFL Learners' Oral Communication (Ruiyang Niu)
Chapter 5: Cultural Challenges for L2 Communication Among Persian Migrants in Australia (Hossein Shokouhi)
Chapter 6: Approaches to Research on L2 Oral Communication (Alireza Jamshidnejad, Reza Falahati and Etske Ooijevaar)
Part 2: The Nature and Typology of Learners' Problems in L2 Oral Communication
Chapter 7: The Construction of Problems in L2 Oral Communication. Section 1: Communicators-Oriented Problems (Alireza Jamshidnejad)
Chapter 8: The Construction of Problems in L2 Oral Communication. Section 2: The Language- and Context-Oriented Problems (Alireza Jamshidnejad)
Part 3: Communication Strategies and Their Functions in L2 Oral Communication
Chapter 9: The Nature and Functions of Communication Strategies in L2 Oral Communication (Alireza Jamshidnejad)
Chapter 10: The Language-Oriented Functions of Strategies (Alireza Jamshidnejad)
Chapter 11: The Context-Oriented Functions of Strategies (Alireza Jamshidnejad)
Chapter 12: The Communicators-Oriented Function of Strategies (Alireza Jamshidnejad)
Chapter 13: Conclusion and Implications for Future Research (Alireza Jamshidnejad).

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