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Preface; Organization; Conference Chairs; Program Committee; Program Organizing Committee; Contents; Part I: Consumer Behaviour I; Consumers ́Responses to Private Labels: Evaluations Extrinsic Cues Imitations; 1 Introduction; 2 Research Questions; 3 Methods and Data; 4 Analysis and Results; 5 Discussion; 5.1 Theoretical and Managerial Implications; 5.2 Limitations and Future Research; References; ``Black Friday:́́ Attitudes, Behavior and Intentions of Greek Consumers; 1 Introduction; 2 Method; 3 Results; 3.1 Knowledge and Sources of Information; 3.2 Attitudes and Buying Behavior.

3.3 Future Intentions4 Conclusions; References; Store Attributes and Consumer Satisfaction with Unplanned Purchases: An Empirical Research in Spain; 1 Introduction; 2 Store Attributes Salient for Customer Satisfaction; 3 Unplanned Purchase Behavior in Grocery Retailing and Shopping List Usage; 4 Methods; 4.1 Results; 4.2 Discussion and Conclusions; References; The Influence of Product Context Complexity on Processing Fluency and Product Evaluation Across Shop Environments; References; Part II: Branding.

Is It Worth Adding a Celebrity? The Importance of Brand Familiarity and Celebrity-Product Congruency Across NBs and PLs1 Introduction; 2 Background; 3 Method; 3.1 Study 1: Testing the Impact of Celebrity Endorsement on National Brands; 3.2 Study 2: Testing the Impact of Celebrity Endorsement on Private Labels; 4 Statistical Analysis and Results; 5 Discussion; References; New Product Introduction for Private Label Products Compared to Branded by Product Category; 1 Introduction; 2 Literature Review; 2.1 New Product Literature; 2.2 Private Label Literature; 3 Methodology; 4 Hypotheses.

5 Analysis6 Conclusion; 7 Limitations; References; The Impact of Celebrity Endorsement and Celebrity Co-branding on Perceived Quality: The Role of Celebrity Application Frequenc ... ; 1 Introduction; 2 Literature Review; 3 Method; 4 Analysis; 5 Discussion; 6 Limitations; References; Premium Private Labels and PDO/PGI Products: Effects on Customer Loyalty; 1 Introduction; 2 Conceptual Model and Hypotheses; 3 Methodology; 3.1 Measure Validity; 4 Results; 5 Conclusions; References; Part III: Social Media and Online Context; Witty Celebrity-Endorsed Ads: Share and Share Alike; 1 Introduction.

2 Conceptual Background2.1 Attitude Towards the Ad; 2.2 Influences of Online Sharing; 2.3 Humor in Advertising; 2.4 Need for Humor; 2.5 Celebrity Product Endorsements; 3 Methodology; 3.1 Research Question; 3.2 Conceptual Model; 3.3 Qualitative Interviews; 4 Results; 5 Conclusion; References; Complaining at the Store or Through Social Media: The Influence of the Purchase Channel, Satisfaction, and Commitment; 1 Introduction; 2 Literature Review; 2.1 Multichannel Shopping Behaviour; 2.2 Social Media as a Complaint Channel; 2.3 Hypotheses Development; 3 Methodology; 4 Results; 5 Conclusions.

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