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Class I PI3K biology
Class II PI3K biology
Class III PI3K biology
PTEN in immunity
PHLPP Signaling in Immune Cells
PHLPP Signaling in Immune Cells
PI3K isoforms in cell signalling and innate immune cell responses
AKT isoforms in macrophage activation, polarization and survival
Control of CD4+ T cell Differentiation and Function by PI3K isoforms.
PI3K isoforms in CD8+ T cell development and function
PI3K isoforms in B cells
PI3K isoform signalling in platelets
PI3K isoforms in vascular biology, a focus on the vascular system-immune response connection
PI3K and AKT at the Interface of Signaling and Metabolism
The Role of PI3K Isoforms in Autoimmune Disease
AKT Isoforms in the Immune Response in Cancer
PI3K isoform immunotherapy for solid tumours
PI3K targeting in non-solid cancer
AKT isoforms as a target in cancer and immunotherapy
Developing PI3K Inhibitors for Respiratory Diseases.

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