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1: Introduction
2: Designing Professional Development for Teaching Mathematics With Technology: A Multi-Level Approach to Foster Teacher and Facilitator Noticing
3: Using Instrumental Orchestration Model for Planning and Teaching Technology-Based Mathematical Tasks as Part of a Restructured Practicum Course
4: An Ensemble Approach to Studying the Teaching of Multiplication Using Touchtimes
5: Using First- and Second-Order Models to Characterise In-Service Teachers Video-Aided Reflection on Teaching and Learning with 3D Pens
6: Opportunities and Challenges that Silent Video Tasks Bring to the Mathematics Classroom
Teaching Linear Equations with Technology: A Flipped Perspective
7: Tensions and Proximities in teaching and learning activities: Case study of a teachers implementation of tablet-based lesson
8: Digital Resources in Kindergarten Teachers Documents and Resource Systems: A Case Study in France
9: Analysis of Primary School Teachers Roles in the Dynamics of Mathematics Lessons that Integrate Technology Resources in Challenging Socio-Economic Contexts
10: Characterising Features of Secondary Teachers Curriculum Scripts for Geometric Similarity with Dynamic Mathematical Technology
11: Instrumental Orchestration of the use of Programming Technology for Authentic Mathematics Investigation Projects
12: Researching Professional Trajectories Regarding the Integration of Digital Technologies: The Case of Vera, A Novice Mathematics Teacher
13:The Abrupt Transition to Online Mathematics Teaching due to the Covid-19 Pandemic: Listening to Latin American Teachers Voices
14: Meta-Didactical Transposition 2: The Evolution of a Framework to Analyse Teachers' Collaborative Work with Researchers in Technological Settings
15:Revisiting Theories that Frame Research on Teaching Mathematics with Digital Technology.

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