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Part 1: Politics, policy, teachers and edu-business
Municipal governance of comprehensive education: The emergence of local universalisms
Finland⁰́₉s ministry of education and culture in the light of its working groups
A progressive force in Finnish schooling?: Finland⁰́₉s education union, OAJ and its influence on school-level education policy
Finnish quality evaluation discourse: Swimming against the global tide?
Ecological sustainability and steering of Finnish comprehensive schools
Unmentioned challenges of Finnish teacher education: Decontextualisation, scientification and the rhetoric of the research-based agenda
Teachers⁰́₉ expectations and expectations of teachers: Understanding teachers⁰́₉ societal role
Businessing around comprehensive schooling
Co-operation of edu-business and public schooling: Is the governance of education in Finland shifting from the public sector to networks?- Part 2: Equity, inequality, and the challenges of diversity, language and inclusion
⁰́₋Three bedrooms and a nice school⁰́₊ ⁰́₄ Residential choices, school choices and vicious circles of segregation in the education landscape of Finnish cities
Pupil selection and enrolment in comprehensive schools in urban Finland
Everyday life in schools in disadvantaged areas
Divided cities ⁰́₄ Divided schools? School segregation and the role of needs-based resource allocation in Finland
The significance of socioeconomic background for the educational dispositions and aspirations of Finnish school leavers
Controversies and challenges in the history of gender discourses in education in Finland
Rainbow paradise? Sexualities and gender diversity in Finnish schools
Racism in Finnish school textbooks: Developments and discussions
Saami language online education outside the Saami homeland ⁰́₄ New pathways to social justice
Education of pupils with migrant backgrounds: A systemic failure in the Finnish system?
Negotiated, given and self-made paths: Immigrant origin girls and post-compulsory educational transition in Finland
Language education for everyone? Busting access myths
Rethinking Finland⁰́₉s official bilingualism in education
Religions and worldviews as ⁰́₋the problem⁰́₊ in Finnish schools
Inclusion in Finland: Myths and realities
Exclusively included? Finland⁰́₉s inclusion success story and hidden dual system of mainstream and special needs education
Student disengagement in Finnish comprehensive schooling
Part 3: Epilogue
The Foundations of Critical Studies in Education in Finland.

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