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Chapter 1: On Thinking-Based Teaching and Large-Scale Implementation
Chapter 2: What and How to Teach in 21st Century Schools- Common Confusions Regarding Knowledge, Thinking, Pedagogy, and The Curriculum
Chapter 3: Substantive Pedagogy and its Role in Deep large -Scale Change Processes
Chapter 4: Teachers’ Knowledge: The Most Central Link in Substantive Pedagogy Change Processes
Chapter 5: It’s Not All or Nothing - System-Wide Implementation of Inquiry-Based Teaching and Learning
Chapter 6: Developing Students’ Thinking in Civic Education as an Example of Scaling-Up HOT Across the School System
Chapter 7: Feedback from an Ongoing Reform: Analyzing the Implementation of the Meaningful Learning Reform in High School
Chapter 8: Wide-Scale Implementation of Higher Order Thinking (HOT) in an Era of High Stakes Testing
Chapter 9: The Implications of Serious Consideration of Substantive Pedagogy for Policy and Implementation of Deep Changes: Summary, Conclusions and Discussion.

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