

Indiana House Bill 1402 (2011) is legislation that prevents undocumented students from receiving the in-state tuition rate. The study focuses on the impact that Indiana House Bill 1402 (2011) has had on undocumented Latinx students as they navigate through the college choice process and attempt to access higher education in Indiana. The purpose of this study is to highlight the ways in which the legislation negatively impacts undocumented students each year as they attempt to further their education beyond high school. Through qualitative research, LatCrit as the theoretical framework, and Testimonios as the methodological approach, two individuals were interviewed and provided with an opportunity to share their lived experiences, their story, and how Indiana House Bill has impacted their life. The study found not only the challenges and barriers that undocumented students face when trying to access post-secondary education, but also the need for undocumented student advocates, policy change, and hope.




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