
Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TiLT) is a teaching method that provides transparency in the learning process by making sure students know how they will learn and why they will learn material in your course. This is especially important for first generation students and students who have been historically marginalized, along with adult learners. Students are more successful when the TiLT method is applied to the course design process and the greatest increase in student success occurs with underrepresented students resulting in a more equitable learning environment. This method allows you, the faculty member, to spend more time assisting students with understanding the course content and not answering questions on what is expected for an assignment or assessment. The philosophy behind TiLT will be shared, what studies have indicated when TiLT is used, examples of assignments with TiLT applied, and techniques to TiLT your own class will be shared in this session providing an overview of this design method. The TiLT method is applicable to any modality of teaching and can be used across all disciplines and all levels of learning.


