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Table of Contents
Editorial Board
Permission Acknowledgments
Advances in Animal Biotechnology
Advances in Pesticide Risk Reduction
Agbiotechnology: Costs and Benefits of Genetically Modified Papaya
Agribusiness Organization and Management
Agricultural Cooperatives
Agricultural Ethics and Social Justice
Agricultural Finance
Agricultural Labor: Demand for Labor
Agricultural Labor: Gender Issues
Agricultural Labor: Labor Market Operation
Agricultural Labor: Supply of Labor
Agricultural Law
Agricultural Mechanization
Agricultural Policy: A Global View
Agroforestry: Complex Multistrata Agriculture
Agroforestry: Conservation Trees and Erosion Prevention
Agroforestry: Fertilizer Trees
Agroforestry: Fodder Trees
Agroforestry: Hydrological Impacts
Agroforestry: Participatory Domestication of Trees
Agroforestry: Practices and Systems
Air: Confined Animal Facilities and Air Quality Issues
Air: Greenhouse Gases from Agriculture
Analyses of Total Phenolics, Total Flavonoids, and Total Antioxidant Activities in Foods and Dietary Supplements
Animal Health: Ectoparasites
Animal Health: Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Animal Health: Global Antibiotic Issues
Animal Health: Mycotoxins
Animal Health: Tuberculosis
Animal Welfare: Stress, Global Issues, and Perspectives
Asian Aquaculture
Beef Cattle
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Agroecosystems
Biodiversity: Conserving Biodiversity in Agroecosystems
Biosecurity and Equine Infectious Diseases
Biotechnology Crop Adoption: Potential and Challenges of Genetically Improved Crops
Biotechnology: Herbicide-Resistant Crops
Biotechnology: Pharming
Biotechnology: Plant Protection
Biotechnology: Regulatory Issues
Breeding: Animals
Breeding: Plants, Modern
Changing Structure and Organization of US Agriculture
Climate Change: Agricultural Mitigation
Climate Change and Plant Disease
Climate Change: Animal Systems
Climate Change: Cropping System Changes and Adaptations
Climate Change: Horticulture
Climate Change: New Breeding Pressures and Goals
Climate Change, Society, and Agriculture: An Economic and Policy Perspective
Cloning Animals by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transplantation
Cloning: Plants & Micropropagation/Tissue Culture
Computer Modeling: Applications to Environment and Food Security
Computer Modeling: Policy Analysis and Simulation
Consumer-Oriented New Product Development
Critical Tracking Events Approach to Food Traceability
Crop Insurance
Crop Pollination
Dairy Animals
Detection and Causes of Bovine Mastitis with Emphasis on Staphylococcus aureus
Determining Functional Properties and Sources of Recently Identified Bioactive Food Components: Oligosaccharides, Glycolipids, Glycoproteins, and Peptides
Domestication of Animals
Domestication of Plants
Dust Pollution from Agriculture
Ecoagriculture: Integrated Landscape Management for People, Food, and Nature
Economics of Natural Resources and Environment in Agriculture
Edaphic Soil Science, Introduction to
Emerging Plant Diseases
Emerging Zoonoses in Domesticated Livestock of Southeast Asia
Energy and Greenhouse Gases Footprint of Food Processing
Farm Management
Fermentation: Food Products
Fermented Beverages
Food Chain: Farm to Market
Food Engineering
Food Labeling
Food Law
Food Marketing
Food Microbiology
Food Packaging
Food Safety: Emerging Pathogens
Food Safety: Food Analysis Technologies/Techniques
Food Safety: Shelf Life Extension Technologies
Food Security: Development Strategies
Food Security: Food Defense and Biosecurity
Food Security, Market Processes, and the Role of Government Policy
Food Security: Postharvest Losses
Food Security: Yield Gap
Food Toxicology
Forage Crops
From Foraging to Agriculture
Genebanks: Past, Present, and Optimistic Future
Genomics of Food Animals
Genomics: Plant Genetic Improvement
Global Agriculture: Industrial Feedstocks for Energy and Materials
Global Food Supply Chains
Government Agricultural Policy, United States
Green Revolution: Past, Present, and Future
Heterosis in Plants
Human Nutrition: Malnutrition and Diet
Industrialized Farming and Its Relationship to Community Well-Being
Integrated Pest Management in Tree Fruit Crops
Intellectual Property in Agriculture
International and Regional Institutions and Instruments for Agricultural Policy, Research, and Development
International Trade
Invasive Aquatic Animals
Invasive Species: Plants
Investments in and the Economic Returns to Agricultural and Food R&D Worldwide
Land Use: Catchment Management
Land Use, Land Cover, and Food-Energy-Environment Trade-Off: Key Issues and Insights for Millennium Development Goals
Land Use: Management for Biodiversity and Conservation
Land Use: Restoration and Rehabilitation
Linkages of the Agricultural Sector: Models and Precautions
Marek's Disease and Differential Diagnosis with Other Tumor Viral Diseases of Poultry
Market-Based Incentives for the Conservation of Ecosystem Services in Agricultural Landscapes: Examples from Coffee Cultivation in Latin America
Markets and Prices
Mathematical Models to Elaborate Plans for Adaptation of Rural Communities to Climate Change
Medicinal Crops
Mineral Nutrition and Suppression of Plant Disease
Natural Capital, Ecological Infrastructure, and Ecosystem Services in Agroecosystems
Organic Agricultural Production: Plants
Organic Livestock Production
Pathogen-Tested Planting Material
Plant Abiotic Stress: Salt
Plant Abiotic Stress: Temperature Extremes
Plant Abiotic Stress: Water
Plant Biotic Stress: Weeds
Plant Cloning: Macropropagation
Plant Disease and Resistance
Plant Health Management: Biological Control of Insect Pests
Plant Health Management: Biological Control of Plant Pathogens
Plant Health Management: Crop Protection with Nematicides
Plant Health Management: Fungicides and Antibiotics
Plant Health Management: Herbicides
Plant Health Management: Pathogen Suppressive Soils
Plant Health Management: Soil Fumigation
Plant Health Management: Soil Solarization
Plant Virus Control by Post-Transcriptional Gene Silencing
Policy Frameworks for International Agricultural and Rural Development
Poultry and Avian Diseases
Precision Agriculture: Irrigation
Production Economics
Public & Private Partnerships in Agroforestry
Quantitative Methods in Agricultural Economics
Quarantine and Biosecurity
Regulatory Challenges to Commercializing the Products of Ag Biotech
Regulatory Conventions and Institutions that Govern Global Agricultural Trade
Root and Tuber Crops
Rural Sociology
Safety of Street Food: Indonesia's Experience
Sensory Science
Simulation Modeling: Applications in Cropping Systems
Slum Livestock Agriculture
Small Ruminants in Smallholder Integrated Production Systems
Social Justice: Preservation of Cultures in Traditional Agriculture
Soil: Carbon Sequestration in Agricultural Systems
Soil: Conservation Practices
Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition
Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Their Mitigation
Soil: Nutrient Cycling
Spices and Aromatics
Stem Cells
Sugar Crops
Swine Diseases and Disorders
Terroir: The Application of an Old Concept in Modern Viticulture
Transgenic Methodologies & Plants
Tree Fruits and Nuts
Vaccines and Vaccination Practices: Key to Sustainable Animal Production
Virtual Water and Water Footprint of Food Production and Processing
Vitamins and Food-Derived Biofactors
Water: Advanced Irrigation Technologies
Water Use: Recycling and Desalination for Agriculture
Water: Water Quality and Challenges from Agriculture
Weather Forecasting Applications in Agriculture
World Water Supply and Use: Challenges for the Future
Zoonotic Helminths of Livestock.
Permission Acknowledgments
Advances in Animal Biotechnology
Advances in Pesticide Risk Reduction
Agbiotechnology: Costs and Benefits of Genetically Modified Papaya
Agribusiness Organization and Management
Agricultural Cooperatives
Agricultural Ethics and Social Justice
Agricultural Finance
Agricultural Labor: Demand for Labor
Agricultural Labor: Gender Issues
Agricultural Labor: Labor Market Operation
Agricultural Labor: Supply of Labor
Agricultural Law
Agricultural Mechanization
Agricultural Policy: A Global View
Agroforestry: Complex Multistrata Agriculture
Agroforestry: Conservation Trees and Erosion Prevention
Agroforestry: Fertilizer Trees
Agroforestry: Fodder Trees
Agroforestry: Hydrological Impacts
Agroforestry: Participatory Domestication of Trees
Agroforestry: Practices and Systems
Air: Confined Animal Facilities and Air Quality Issues
Air: Greenhouse Gases from Agriculture
Analyses of Total Phenolics, Total Flavonoids, and Total Antioxidant Activities in Foods and Dietary Supplements
Animal Health: Ectoparasites
Animal Health: Foot-and-Mouth Disease
Animal Health: Global Antibiotic Issues
Animal Health: Mycotoxins
Animal Health: Tuberculosis
Animal Welfare: Stress, Global Issues, and Perspectives
Asian Aquaculture
Beef Cattle
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Agroecosystems
Biodiversity: Conserving Biodiversity in Agroecosystems
Biosecurity and Equine Infectious Diseases
Biotechnology Crop Adoption: Potential and Challenges of Genetically Improved Crops
Biotechnology: Herbicide-Resistant Crops
Biotechnology: Pharming
Biotechnology: Plant Protection
Biotechnology: Regulatory Issues
Breeding: Animals
Breeding: Plants, Modern
Changing Structure and Organization of US Agriculture
Climate Change: Agricultural Mitigation
Climate Change and Plant Disease
Climate Change: Animal Systems
Climate Change: Cropping System Changes and Adaptations
Climate Change: Horticulture
Climate Change: New Breeding Pressures and Goals
Climate Change, Society, and Agriculture: An Economic and Policy Perspective
Cloning Animals by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transplantation
Cloning: Plants & Micropropagation/Tissue Culture
Computer Modeling: Applications to Environment and Food Security
Computer Modeling: Policy Analysis and Simulation
Consumer-Oriented New Product Development
Critical Tracking Events Approach to Food Traceability
Crop Insurance
Crop Pollination
Dairy Animals
Detection and Causes of Bovine Mastitis with Emphasis on Staphylococcus aureus
Determining Functional Properties and Sources of Recently Identified Bioactive Food Components: Oligosaccharides, Glycolipids, Glycoproteins, and Peptides
Domestication of Animals
Domestication of Plants
Dust Pollution from Agriculture
Ecoagriculture: Integrated Landscape Management for People, Food, and Nature
Economics of Natural Resources and Environment in Agriculture
Edaphic Soil Science, Introduction to
Emerging Plant Diseases
Emerging Zoonoses in Domesticated Livestock of Southeast Asia
Energy and Greenhouse Gases Footprint of Food Processing
Farm Management
Fermentation: Food Products
Fermented Beverages
Food Chain: Farm to Market
Food Engineering
Food Labeling
Food Law
Food Marketing
Food Microbiology
Food Packaging
Food Safety: Emerging Pathogens
Food Safety: Food Analysis Technologies/Techniques
Food Safety: Shelf Life Extension Technologies
Food Security: Development Strategies
Food Security: Food Defense and Biosecurity
Food Security, Market Processes, and the Role of Government Policy
Food Security: Postharvest Losses
Food Security: Yield Gap
Food Toxicology
Forage Crops
From Foraging to Agriculture
Genebanks: Past, Present, and Optimistic Future
Genomics of Food Animals
Genomics: Plant Genetic Improvement
Global Agriculture: Industrial Feedstocks for Energy and Materials
Global Food Supply Chains
Government Agricultural Policy, United States
Green Revolution: Past, Present, and Future
Heterosis in Plants
Human Nutrition: Malnutrition and Diet
Industrialized Farming and Its Relationship to Community Well-Being
Integrated Pest Management in Tree Fruit Crops
Intellectual Property in Agriculture
International and Regional Institutions and Instruments for Agricultural Policy, Research, and Development
International Trade
Invasive Aquatic Animals
Invasive Species: Plants
Investments in and the Economic Returns to Agricultural and Food R&D Worldwide
Land Use: Catchment Management
Land Use, Land Cover, and Food-Energy-Environment Trade-Off: Key Issues and Insights for Millennium Development Goals
Land Use: Management for Biodiversity and Conservation
Land Use: Restoration and Rehabilitation
Linkages of the Agricultural Sector: Models and Precautions
Marek's Disease and Differential Diagnosis with Other Tumor Viral Diseases of Poultry
Market-Based Incentives for the Conservation of Ecosystem Services in Agricultural Landscapes: Examples from Coffee Cultivation in Latin America
Markets and Prices
Mathematical Models to Elaborate Plans for Adaptation of Rural Communities to Climate Change
Medicinal Crops
Mineral Nutrition and Suppression of Plant Disease
Natural Capital, Ecological Infrastructure, and Ecosystem Services in Agroecosystems
Organic Agricultural Production: Plants
Organic Livestock Production
Pathogen-Tested Planting Material
Plant Abiotic Stress: Salt
Plant Abiotic Stress: Temperature Extremes
Plant Abiotic Stress: Water
Plant Biotic Stress: Weeds
Plant Cloning: Macropropagation
Plant Disease and Resistance
Plant Health Management: Biological Control of Insect Pests
Plant Health Management: Biological Control of Plant Pathogens
Plant Health Management: Crop Protection with Nematicides
Plant Health Management: Fungicides and Antibiotics
Plant Health Management: Herbicides
Plant Health Management: Pathogen Suppressive Soils
Plant Health Management: Soil Fumigation
Plant Health Management: Soil Solarization
Plant Virus Control by Post-Transcriptional Gene Silencing
Policy Frameworks for International Agricultural and Rural Development
Poultry and Avian Diseases
Precision Agriculture: Irrigation
Production Economics
Public & Private Partnerships in Agroforestry
Quantitative Methods in Agricultural Economics
Quarantine and Biosecurity
Regulatory Challenges to Commercializing the Products of Ag Biotech
Regulatory Conventions and Institutions that Govern Global Agricultural Trade
Root and Tuber Crops
Rural Sociology
Safety of Street Food: Indonesia's Experience
Sensory Science
Simulation Modeling: Applications in Cropping Systems
Slum Livestock Agriculture
Small Ruminants in Smallholder Integrated Production Systems
Social Justice: Preservation of Cultures in Traditional Agriculture
Soil: Carbon Sequestration in Agricultural Systems
Soil: Conservation Practices
Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition
Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Their Mitigation
Soil: Nutrient Cycling
Spices and Aromatics
Stem Cells
Sugar Crops
Swine Diseases and Disorders
Terroir: The Application of an Old Concept in Modern Viticulture
Transgenic Methodologies & Plants
Tree Fruits and Nuts
Vaccines and Vaccination Practices: Key to Sustainable Animal Production
Virtual Water and Water Footprint of Food Production and Processing
Vitamins and Food-Derived Biofactors
Water: Advanced Irrigation Technologies
Water Use: Recycling and Desalination for Agriculture
Water: Water Quality and Challenges from Agriculture
Weather Forecasting Applications in Agriculture
World Water Supply and Use: Challenges for the Future
Zoonotic Helminths of Livestock.