

pt. I. The physical and mental benefits of fitness
1. The importance of physical activity
2. Questions and answers about physical activity and exercise
3. Physical activity prevents diseases and infection
section 3.1. Exercise prevents chronic disease
section 3.2. Exercise benefits immune system function
4. Physical activity and weight control
section 4.1. How does physical activity help you control your weight?
section 4.2. Even moderate physical activity promotes weight loss
section 4.3. Dieters who exercise more lose more weight over the long term
section 4.4. Physical fitness versus body mass index : which has a greater effect on health?
5. The effect of exercise on metabolism
6. The neurological benefits of exercise
section 6.1. Exercise may slow development of Alzheimer's-like brain changes
section 6.2. Exercise associated with reduced risk of dementia in older adults
7. Physical activity benefits bone health
section 7.1. Exercise for healthy bones
section 7.2. Exercise builds bone mass in postmenopausal women
8. The effect of exercise on mental health
section 8.1. Controlling stress with physical activity
section 8.2. How does exercise improve depression?

pt. II. Sports nutrition and supplements
9. What is a healthy diet?
10. Frequently asked questions about what to eat if you exercise
11. Nutrition concerns for athletes
section 11.1. Facts about sports nutrition
section 11.2. Feeding your child athlete
section 11.3. Fueling the active individual
12. Water intake and exercise
section 12.1. How much water should you drink during exercise?
section 12.2. Guidance for athletes on preventing hyponatremia and dehydration
13. All about sports supplements
14. The health risks of anabolic steroids
15. The dangers of androstenedione (andro) products

pt. III. Exercise basics
16. Guidelines for developing a personal exercise program
17. Debunking ten common exercise myths
18. Measuring exercise intensity
19. Hiring a personal trainer
20. Choosing a health and fitness facility
21. Using exercise equipment at home
section 21.1. How to design your own home gym
section 21.2. Using an elliptical trainer
section 21.3. Using a home treadmill
section 21.4. Using free weights
section 21.5. Using a pedometer
22. Avoiding exercise scams
section 22.1. Pump fiction : deciphering advertisements for exercise equipment
section 22.2. Electrical muscle stimulators : do they work?
23. Choosing an athletic shoe
24. Facts about aerobic exercise
section 24.1. Getting ready for aerobic exercise : warm up and cool down
section 24.2. Common types of aerobic exercise
section 24.3. Cross training : what it is and how it works
section 24.4. Interval training
25. Common forms of aerobic exercise
section 25.1. Walking for fitness : a step in the right direction
section 25.2. The health benefits of hiking
section 25.3. Tips for beginning runners
section 25.4. Bicycling for health and fitness
section 25.5. Aquatic exercise
26. Cardiorespiratory exercise in everyday activities and recreation
section 26.1. How environment and community affect physical activity
section 26.2. Trails and greenways encourage everyday exercise
section 26.3. Housework and daily activities count in health and fitness
section 26.4. Gardening for fitness
section 26.5. Gearing up for golf
section 26.6. Social dancing offers an entertaining way to exercise
27. All about strength training
section 27.1. The benefits of strength training
section 27.2. How women build muscle
section 27.3. Beginning a strength training program
section 27.4. Making continued progress in your strength training program
section 27.5. Periodized training : what is it?
section 27.6. Strengthen your abdominals with stability balls
28. Flexibility and balance exercises
section 28.1. Techniques for stretching
section 28.2. Tips for improving your flexibility
section 28.3. Flexibility exercises to try at home
section 28.4. Research indicates stretching alone does not prevent injuries
section 28.5. Tips for bettering your balance
29. Pilates for improved strength and flexibility
30. Yoga and meditation provide health benefits
31. Kegel exercises : developing your pelvic muscles
32. Exercising away from home
section 32.1. Energize your workday with office exercises
section 32.2. Exercise at work benefits people with type 2 diabetes
section 32.3. Staying active while you fly

pt. IV. Fitness throughout life
33. Exercise is essential for kids
34. Parents can play vital role in encouraging children's active, healthy lifestyles
35. Fitness for children from birth to age five
36. Physical activity at school
section 36.1. The need for physical education and physical activity in our schools
section 36.2. More physical activity can boost achievement and schools' bottom line
37. Fitness for kids who do not like sports
38. Preparticipation physical exams for young athletes
39. Exercise and adolescents
section 39.1. Is exercise safe for teens?
section 39.2. Strength training and your child or teen
40. Staying active during and after pregnancy
section 40.1. Guidelines for safe exercising during pregnancy
section 40.2. Postpartum exercise tips
41. Physical activity later in life
section 41.1. Staying active after menopause
section 41.2. Lifelong fitness : exercise recommendations for seniors
section 41.3. Overcoming exercise obstacles : suggestions for seniors

pt. V. Physical activity for people with health concerns
42. Exercise tips for overweight or obese adults
section 42.1. Active at any size
section 42.2. Choosing a safe and successful weight-loss program
43. Physical activity and diabetes
44. Lung conditions and exercise
section 44.1. How smoking affects physical activity
section 44.2. Asthma and exercise
45. Exercise your way to lower blood pressure
46. Physical activity and the heart
section 46.1. Reducing your risk of heart disease with physical activity
section 46.2. What you can do to exercise if heart disease has slowed you down
47. Physical activity recommendations for stroke survivors
48. Questions and answers about arthritis, joint problems, and exercise
49. Fitness information for people with chronic pain and fatigue
section 49.1. Starting an exercise program with fibromyalgia
section 49.2. Chronic fatigue : exercise for energy
50. Exercise and cancer
section 50.1. Physical activity and the risk of cancer
section 50.2. Exercising after cancer treatment
51. Why exercise is important for people with HIV
52. People with disabilities benefit from physical activity

pt. VI. Exercise-related injuries
53. Childhood sports injuries and their prevention : a guide for parents
54. Overview of acute and chronic sports injuries and their treatment
55. Exercise-related aches and pains
section 55.1. Achilles tendon disorders
section 55.2. Knee problems that can occur during exercise
section 55.3. Muscle soreness : tips for alleviating the ache
section 55.4. Rotator cuff injuries and other shoulder problems
section 55.5. Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis)
section 55.6. Shin splints
section 55.7. Strains and sprains : what they are and what to do
56. Foot problems that plague exercisers
section 56.1. Fitness and your feet : overcoming blisters, corns, calluses, and other foot problems
section 56.2. Athlete's foot
section 56.3. Morton's neuroma
section 56.4. Plantar fasciitis
57. Taking care of your skin while you sweat
58. How much is too much? : overtraining and exercise addiction
section 58.1. Addiction to exercise
section 58.2. Girls and women at risk : the female athlete triad
section 58.3. Fitness and bone health for women : the skeletal risk of overtraining

pt. VII. Maintaining exercise motivation
59. Overcoming barriers to physical fitness
60. Staying motivated to exercise through goal setting
61. Ten tips for sticking to your exercise program
62. Working out with friends and family
section 62.1. Finding an exercise buddy or joining a club
section 62.2. Staying fit with your family

pt. VIII. Additional help and information
63. Glossary of fitness terms
64. Directory of fitness resources.

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