

Out of Africa : foods, techniques, and ceremonies of the mother continent
Sea changes : enslavement, the middle passage, and the migrating tastes of Africa
The power of three : arrivals, encounters, and culinary connections
The tightening vice [i.e. vise] : indenture to enslavement and the African hand in the food of Colonial America
In sorrow's kitchen : hog meat, hominy, and the africanizing of the palate of the South
City food, South and North : caterers, cala vendors, and the continuing of African culinary traditions
O freedom! : jubilee jubilations
Westward ho! : migrations, innovations, and a growing culinary divide
Movin' on up! : resilience, resistance, and entrepreneurs large and small
We shall not be moved : sit-ins, soul food, and increasing culinary diversity
We are the world : making it in an expanding Black world and joining an unbroken African culinary circle

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