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Acknowledgments; Contents; Chapter 1: Introduction; 1.1 Prologue: The℗ Reluctant Doctorandus; 1.2 Exegesis as℗ the℗ True Theology, the℗ Exegete as℗ the℗ True Theologian; 1.3 Prospectus; 1.4 Methodology; Appendix: The℗ Exegetical-Historical Context of℗ the℗ Praelectiones; References; Part I: Historical Context; Chapter 2: The Old Theology and℗ the℗ New Learning at℗ Cambridge to℗ 1549; 2.1 Scholastic Method in℗ Theology Through the℗ Lens of℗ the℗ Third Cambridge Injunction; 2.1.1 The Bible; 2.1.2 Peter Lombard's Sentences and℗ Academic Theology; 2.1.3 Teaching "After the℗ Manner of℗ Scotus"

2.1.4 The Role of℗ the℗ Humanist-Scholastic Debate2.2 The University of℗ Cambridge, ca. 1500-1549; 2.2.1 Scholastic Theology in℗ Late Fifteenth Century Cambridge; 2.2.2 Humanism, Scholasticism, and℗ Curricular Reform to℗ 1535; 2.2.3 Curricular Reform, 1535-1549: Reformation and℗ Resistance; 2.3 Conclusion; References; Chapter 3: "Remember the℗ Readings and℗ Preachings of℗ God's Prophet and℗ True Preacher, Martin Bucer": Bucer's Sojourn in℗ Cambridge, 1549-1551; 3.1 Bucer and℗ England; 3.1.1 The First Months; 3.1.2 Cambridge and℗ Regius Professor of℗ Divinity, January 1550-February 1551

3.2 Bucer's Lectures on℗ Ephesians in℗ Context3.2.1 The Influence of℗ the℗ Immediate Context in℗ Shaping the℗ Lectures; 3.2.2 The Immediate Impact of℗ the℗ Lectures; 3.3 The Ephesians Lectures and℗ the℗ Priority of℗ the℗ Praelectiones; 3.3.1 The Problems of℗ Evidence; The Explicatio and℗ the℗ Ephesians Lectures; The Text of℗ the℗ Praelectiones and℗ Its Source; The Versions of℗ De vi et usu; 3.3.2 The Evidence for℗ De vi et usu as℗ a℗ Record of℗ the℗ Lectures as℗ Delivered; 3.3.3 Chronology of℗ the℗ Lectures; 3.4 Conclusion; References

Part II: The Praelectiones as an Exercise in Biblical Humanist Exegetical MethodChapter 4: "Ratio seu methodus Martini Buceri": Bucer's Prefatory Lectures on℗ Ephesians and℗ His Use of℗ Biblical Humanist Theological Method; 4.1 Bucer's Intellectual Formation; 4.2 Bucer, the℗ Rhenish "School" of℗ Exegesis, and℗ Biblical Humanist Method in℗ the℗ Teaching of℗ Theology; 4.3 Bucer's "Ratio" of℗ 1550; 4.3.1 Ephesians as℗ a℗ Compendium of℗ Doctrine; 4.3.2 The Particulars of℗ Bucer's Method; The Clarity of℗ Scripture; The Spiritual State of℗ the℗ Interpreter; Pious Learning, Learned Piety From Knowledge to℗ Practice4.4 Conclusion; References; Chapter 5: "An Exposition of℗ the℗ Whole Doctrine of℗ Salvation:" Bucer's Deployment of℗ Biblical Humanist Method and℗ the℗ 1550 Ephesians Lectures as℗ a℗ Whole; 5.1 The Praelectiones as℗ an℗ Exercise in℗ Biblical Humanist Exegetical Method; 5.1.1 Text-Critical Matters; 5.1.2 Philological Issues; 5.1.3 Grammar and℗ Rhetoric; 5.1.4 The Author in℗ Context; 5.1.5 The Use of℗ Scripture to℗ Interpret Scripture; 5.1.6 The Use of℗ Non-scriptural Authorities; 5.1.7 Section Conclusion; 5.2 The Lectures in℗ Overview

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