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Foreword; Acknowledgments; Contents; Contributors; Chapter 1: A Brief Introduction to℗ the℗ Problem of℗ Professional Responsibility; The Plan of℗ This Book; References; Part I: Why Education and Health Reforms Are Needed; Introduction; Chapter 2: Responsibility at the Core of Public Education: Students, Teachers, and the℗ Curriculum; Root of Responsibility; Education's Core; Mission and Responsibilities of Mass Compulsory Education; The Field of Education; The Actors and Activities of Schooling; Students; Capability Differences and Achievement Gaps; Nearly Universal Access to Schooling

Access Does Not Mean Success Segregation and Discrimination Persist; Teachers; Upgraded Personnel Qualifications; Connecting Students and Teachers; Cultural Incongruity and Deficit Thinking; (Dis)orderly Settings; Curriculum; The Tested Versus the Untested Curriculum; Connecting Teachers and Curriculum; Generalists Versus Specialists; Curriculum Tracking; Assessment Versus Testing; Connecting Students and Curriculum; Activity Versus Recitation; Pacing Versus Learning; Rigorous Versus Tested; Students-Teachers-Curriculum Triumvirate; Summation; References

Chapter 3: Medical Professionalism and℗ the℗ Relevance and℗ Impact of℗ the℗ Profession on℗ SocietyIntroduction; The State of℗ Healthcare in℗ the℗ United States; Medicine and℗ the℗ Social Contract; The Evolution of℗ Medical Professionalism; Defining Medical Professionalism; Challenges to℗ Professionalism: The℗ Market and℗ the℗ State; Market Influences; State Influences; Failure of℗ Self-Regulation; Economics and℗ Real and℗ Enduring Change; Maintaining and℗ Leveraging Professional Prestige; Recommendations; References; Part II: Framing the Problem of Professional Responsibility; Introduction

Chapter 4: Professional Responsibility: Its Nature and℗ New DemandsThe Ethical Meaning of℗ Professional Work Considered as℗ Layered Task Structure; Professional Responsibility and℗ the℗ Frayed Professional "Social Contract"; Realignment: Organizational and℗ Market Pressures vs. Professional Responsibility; The Priority of℗ Professional Responsibility in℗ Effective Professional Education; How, Then, Might Professional Education Help?; The Promise-and the℗ Challenge-of Flexible Structures; The Challenge of℗ Responsibility in℗ Collaborative Communities: An℗ Illustration; References

Chapter 5: How Institutional Contexts Shape Professional ResponsibilityDefinitions of℗ Professional Responsibility; Institutional Theory Principles; Analyzing Stakeholders and℗ Their Relationship to℗ Professionals; Mapping the℗ Closeness of℗ Stakeholder-Professional Relationships; Dimensions of℗ Stakeholder Salience; Challenges and℗ Practical Implications for℗ the℗ Professions; Responsibility for℗ Vulnerable Stakeholders; Pressures for℗ Confidentiality Versus Transparency; The Role of℗ Professional Schools; Summary; References

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