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Foreword to the 2nd Edition; Foreword to the 1st Edition; How to Read this Handbook; Contents; Part I: Introduction; What is Business Process Management?; 1 The Origins of BPM; 2 The Process Management Cycle; 3 The Payoffs of Process Management; 4 The Enablers of Process; 5 BPM Capability for Process; 6 The Principles of Process Management; 7 The EPM as a Management Tool and BPMS; 8 The Frontiers of BPM; References; Process Management for Knowledge Work; 1 Introduction; 2 Improving Knowledge Work Through Process Management; 3 Processes and Knowledge Work Segments.

4 Knowledge Creation, Distribution, and Application4.1 Creation; 4.2 Distribution; 4.3 Application; 5 Process Versus Practice in Knowledge Work; 6 Types of Process Interventions; 6.1 Process Improvement Approaches for Knowledge Work; 6.2 Agile Methods; 6.3 Measurement; 6.4 Positive Deviance; 6.5 Knowledge Management-Based Interventions; 6.6 Outsourcing Knowledge Work; 7 Summary; References; The Scope and Evolution of Business Process Management; 1 Introduction; 2 The Three Business Process Traditions; 3 The Work Simplification\Industrial Engineering\Quality Control Tradition.

3.1 TQM, Lean and Six Sigma3.2 Capability Maturity Model; 4 The Management Tradition; 4.1 Geary Rummler; 4.2 Michael Porter; 4.3 Balanced Scorecard; 4.4 Business Process Reengineering; 5 The Information Technology Tradition; 5.1 Business Process Reengineering; 5.2 Enterprise Resource Planning Applications; 5.3 CASE and Process Modeling Tools; 5.4 Expert Systems and Business Rules; 5.5 Process and the Interface Between Business and IT; 6 Business Process Change Today and Tomorrow; 7 Enterprise Level Initiatives; 7.1 Business Architecture; 7.2 Value Chains and Value Networks.

7.3 Business Process Frameworks7.3.1 The Supply Chain Council ́s SCOR Framework; 7.3.2 Other Business Frameworks; 7.4 Roger Burlton, Process Scope, and Value Chain Diagrams; 7.5 Process Maturity Models; 7.6 Integrated Process Measurement Systems; 7.7 Managing Culture Change and Organizational Transformations; 8 Process Level Initiatives; 8.1 The Emphasis on Innovation; 8.2 Analyzing and Modeling Complex Processes; 9 Implementation Level Initiatives; 9.1 Business Process Management Systems (BPMS); 9.2 Standards and Certification; 9.3 Other Implementation Concerns; 10 Towards a Comprehensive BPM.

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