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Table of Contents
1. Preface
2. Prologue
3. PISA, Korean students' world-class achievements and Dark side of Korean schooling
4. History of Shadow education in Korea
5. Types of hakwon education
6. Elementary School Years
7. Middle School Years
8. High School Years
9. Good and Bad Effects of hakwon education
10. Hakwon education as a Worldwide Curriculum Question
11. Conclusion: Questions without organs
12. Epilogue: Simulacra and Dangerous future.
2. Prologue
3. PISA, Korean students' world-class achievements and Dark side of Korean schooling
4. History of Shadow education in Korea
5. Types of hakwon education
6. Elementary School Years
7. Middle School Years
8. High School Years
9. Good and Bad Effects of hakwon education
10. Hakwon education as a Worldwide Curriculum Question
11. Conclusion: Questions without organs
12. Epilogue: Simulacra and Dangerous future.