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About the Authors; Chapter 1: Introduction. An Ontological Turn in the Field of Music and Music Education; 1.1 Music and℗ the℗ Question of℗ Being; 1.2 Why Are We℗ in℗ Need of℗ an℗ Ontological Turn in℗ the℗ Field of℗ Music and℗ Music Education?; 1.3 Oblivion of℗ Being; 1.4 What Do We℗ Hear?; 1.5 The Artwork; 1.6 The Book; 1.6.1 Technical Rationality and℗ Nihilism; 1.6.2 Music and℗ Being; 1.6.3 Musical Experience; 1.6.4 Bildung and℗ Truth; References; Part I: Technical Rationality and Nihilism; Chapter 2: Musings of℗ Heidegger. Arts Education and℗ the℗ Mall as℗ a℗ 'Debased' (Dreyfus) Work of℗ Art

2.1 Heidegger's Conception of℗ Artworks as℗ a℗ Prism for℗ an℗ Understanding of℗ Being2.1.1 The Artwork as Prism; 2.1.2 Heidegger's History-of-Being; 2.1.3 The Mall; 2.1.4 Three Worlds; 2.1.5 The Mall as Work of Art?; 2.1.6 Now What?; 2.2 The Mall as℗ Artwork Functions Through the℗ Framing of℗ the℗ Subject as℗ a℗ Modern Hybrid Between Aesthetics and℗ Technique; 2.2.1 Aesthetics and Technical Rationality; 2.2.2 Aesthetics and Modern Subjectivism; 2.2.3 Ontology: Art?; 2.2.4 The 'Machine'; 2.2.5 Danger and the Saving Force; 2.2.6 Unsolved Questions; 2.3 Educational Aspects; 2.3.1 Truth

2.3.2 The Misty Mountain Song2.3.3 The Precious Daring; References; Chapter 3: The Intrinsic Value of℗ Musical Experience. A℗ Rethinking: Why and℗ How?; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Rethinking; 3.3 On the℗ Differences Between Labor, Work and℗ Action; 3.4 The Hegemony of℗ Technical Rationality; 3.5 "Oh Lord, Won't You℗ Buy Me a℗ Mercedes Benz?"; 3.6 On the℗ Differences Between Things, Utility Articles and℗ Artworks; 3.7 The Intrinsic Value of℗ Musical Experience℗
As℗ Reflection; References; Chapter 4: Ways of℗ Revealing: Music Education Responses to℗ Music Technology; 4.1 Introduction

4.2 Our Relationship with℗ Music Technology4.3 The Experience of℗ Ge-stell and℗ Bestand; 4.4 Responding to℗ Music Technology; 4.5 Conclusion; References; Chapter 5: Towards an℗ Ontological Turn in℗ Music Education with℗ Heidegger's Philosophy of℗ Being and℗ His Notion of℗ Releasement; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Current Educational Reforms; 5.2.1 The Epistemological Content of℗ Higher Education at℗ Stake; Research-Based and℗ Professional-Oriented Knowledge; Research-Based Knowledge as℗ Resource; Professional-Oriented Knowledge, Closed Loops, Relevance and℗ Ontological Bildung

5.2.2 The Terms Quality and℗ Evidence-Based Research in℗ Arts Education5.2.3 The Replacing of℗ Musical Bildung with℗ Competencies; 5.2.4 Musical Bildung as℗ Uncovering of℗ Truth; 5.3 Heidegger's Philosophy of℗ Being; 5.3.1 Being and℗ Oblivion-of-Being; 5.3.2 Towards a℗ Change in℗ Comportment: From℗ Mastery and℗ Control to℗ Releasement; 5.4 An Ontological Turn in℗ Music Education; 5.4.1 From Control to℗ Releasement; 5.4.2 Marginal Practices and℗ Humble Things in℗ Music Education as℗ Saving Power Against the℗ Powers of℗ Technical Rationality in℗ the℗ Current Educational Paradigm

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