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Preface; Contents; About the Authors; 1 Liberal Studies and National Education in Post-colonial Hong Kong; 1.1 Background; 1.2 First Introduction of Liberal Studies; 1.3 Controversies Over the Reintroduction of Liberal Studies; 1.4 Controversies Over the Implementation of MNE; 1.5 A Blank in the Literature; References; 2 Review of Liberal Studies, National Education and Educational Policy Framework; Abstract; 2.1 Review of the Development of Educational Policy; 2.1.1 Definition of Educational Policy; 2.1.2 Two Major Conceptual Frameworks; 2.1.3 The 'State-Centred' Framework.

2.1.4 The Policy Cycle Framework2.2 Criteria for Inclusion; 2.3 Review of the First Introduction of Liberal Studies and Implementation of MNE; 2.3.1 Policy Initiatives of Liberal Studies; 2.3.2 Policy Initiatives of MNE; 2.3.3 Policy Failures of Liberal Studies; 2.3.4 Policy Failures of MNE; 2.3.5 Parallel Discussion of Liberal Studies and MNE; References; 3 Research Design, Methodology and Data Collection; Abstract; 3.1 Research Design and Methodology; 3.1.1 Statement and Significance of Research Questions; 3.1.2 Three-Stage Investigation and Mixed-Methods Approach.

3.2 Data Collection for Liberal Studies Curriculum Policy3.2.1 Context of Policy Text Production (Stage 1); 3.2.2 Context of Influence (Stage 2); 3.2.3 Context of Practice (Stage 3); 3.3 Data Collection for MNE Curriculum Policy; 3.3.1 Context of Policy Text Production (Stage 1); 3.3.2 Context of Influence (Stage 2); 3.3.3 Context of Practice (Stage 3); References; 4 Results and Data Analysis; Abstract; 4.1 Data Analysis Concerning the Reintroduction of Liberal Studies; 4.1.1 The Context of 'Policy Text Production' (Stage 1); 4.1.2 The Context of 'Influence' (Stage 2).

4.1.3 The Context of 'Practice' (Stage 3)4.2 Data Analysis of MNE Implementation; 4.2.1 The Context of 'Policy Text Production' (Stage 1); 4.2.2 The Context of 'Influence' (Stage 2); 4.2.3 The Context of 'Practice' (Stage 3); References; 5 Discussion and Implications; Abstract; 5.1 Discussion of Findings; 5.1.1 Lack of Legitimacy in Government's Policies; 5.1.2 Significance of Consultations on Pedagogical Concerns; 5.1.3 Autonomy of Teachers in Carrying Out Policy Texts; 5.2 Implications for Local Education Policies; 5.2.1 The Curriculum Review of Liberal Studies; 5.2.2 The 'Becoming' of MNE.

5.3 Directions for Future ResearchReferences; Appendix A; Appendix B; Appendix C.

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