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I Look for food in everything
Outsiders : travelers and newcomers encounter the early South
Insiders : culinary codes of the plantation household
I will eat some for you : food voices of northern-born governesses in the plantation South
An embattled table : the language of food in the Civil War South
Culinary testimony : African Americans and the collective memory of a nineteenth-century South
The reconstructed table
The shifting soil of southern agriculture and the undermining of the southern diet
Home economics and domestic science come to the southern table
The southern "dietaries" : food field studies in Alabama and Eastern Virginia
Reforming the southern diet one student at a time : the mountain South and the lowcountry
Agricultural reform comes home
The deepest reality of life : southern sociology, the WPA and food in the New South
Branding the edible New South
A journey back in time : food and tourism in the New South
I'm gonna sit at the welcome table : southern food and the Civil Rights Movement
Culinary landmarks of "the Struggle"
A hungry South
A food counterculture, southern-style
New Southern cuisine.

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